India maria driver#
Maria carjacks a jeep that belongs to two con-artists when she tries to get away from the authorities(she drives surprisingly well for someone with no driver training!). There's room for lots of ironic humor in 'Pobre, pero Honrada'. A priest(played by Angel Garasa), is willing to tell the authorities that he's the father of the baby(he's telling a "white lie", of course) so the baby won't be put in an orphanage. Will Maria's luck turn around? Aside from the serious-sounding plot, 'Pobre, pero Honrada' is a good, light-hearted film. When the authorities try to take Maria's baby away and some people continue to exploit her, she flees from her hometown with the baby and her mule in tow. Maria, being a very humble, chaste, simple-minded woman, assumes that she's a modern-day(for the 1970's)"Virgin Mary". Around the same time, a rich man's daughter asks her father to help get rid of her illegitimate child: the tycoon and a surgeon try to make La India Maria believe that the baby is hers. As if things weren't stressful enough, Maria passes out while she cleans inside a church and she has to have an minor operation involving her appendix, or something. Also, some people want to see if the water is really "magical" so they can take it away from Maria and capitalize on it. In 'Pobre, pero Honrada', Maria sells spring water with enigmatic healing qualities, but some people, including two con-artists, want to tarnish her reputation because they think her claim that the spring water is "magical" is illegitimate and bogus. La India Maria's films almost always bring a smile to my face. My family, mostly Mexican-Americans, used to watch her films as we lived in the U.S. In her films, she usually portrays a humble, noble, sympathetic woman who tries to co-exist with pretentious people, big-wigs, con-artists, foreigners, etc. I still enjoyed the film despite the esoteric humor and the fact that I can't speak Spanish fluently. La India Maria as a stereotype no longer just affirms the predominant mode of representation of the indigenous woman, but offers self-reflexive counterimages to certain spectators.'Pobre, pero Honrada!'(1973) is a dated, yet fun and entertaining film starring comedienne Maria Elena Velasco, alias 'La India Maria'. I insist on the mode of "ironic" or "counter" reading, which results in a shift of meaning. Other determinations besides the filmic text will be taken into consideration in order to raise the question of how different spectators might read the established stereotype.

The films will be examined and four story formulas will be proposed.

This contribution sketches out different aspects of the indigenous woman as a filmic stereotype focusing on character traits, performance, dialogues, and embodiment. On the other hand, her films have tended to be dismissed by film critics as reactionary and ethnically discriminating. Until today, her films continue to be popular with Mexican audiences and immigrants living in the United States. Maria Elena Velasco played La India Maria as the starring role in 15 comedies, had her appearances on different TV-Shows, and in the theater. Abstract : Since the 1970s "La India Maria" has become Mexico's most popular indigenous female media character.